Monday, June 30, 2008

June 21 & 22 - Morningstar AAC Agility Trial

Peso and Andrea head east to Kingston ON for the Morningstar Agility trial. They have a great weekend with some awesome runs and a few heartbreaking ones too...those silly last poles!

Peso had a tough time on Saturday just missing out on 4 Q's but turned it around on Sunday coming home with a Masters Standard Q, a Masters Snooker Q and a Steeplechase Q. He is on countdown to ATChC with only single digits left :) This boy sure is a superstar!

OTEA Student: Michel and Rooney have a great weekend also (other than that team run ;) Sorry, couldn't resist) They get their Starters Jumper Q earning their Starters Games Dog of Canada (SGDC) Title! Congrats!! They also earn their first Advanced Jumpers Q on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at the flowers taped to the tire! I think it's a nice touch...?

Anonymous said...

To give Morningstar credit...this is NOT a pic from their trial ;) I didn't have one from that trial so I used a pic from another place (who likes fake flowers, lol).