All of Andrea's dogs - Peso, Chase & Phoenix compete in the Tunnelers fun class. All the dogs do great but Peso rocks winning the class and a big basket of stuff worth $500!!

Sunday was another good day for Peso. He earns his 10th and final Masters Steeplechase Q earning his Masters Steeplechase Dog of Canada (MSCDC) Title.
OTEA Students:
Colleen & Chase have a clean Starters Jumper run earning their Q and their Starters Game Dog of Canada (SGDC) Title.
Michelle & Faith get their 3rd and final Starters Standard Q. They earn their Agility Dog of Canada (VADC) Title.
Emma & Coby compete in their first ever trial. They come away with their Starters Jumper Q...great job!!!
Congrats! It was fun playing in the mud with you! Too bad Shona and the crew had to miss it for that other 'trial' ;)(Some congrats go to Abbey too!!)
Congratulations! I know I'm a bit, okay, REALLY late, but hey!
Loving all the pictures on the blog!
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