Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nov 24 & 25 - Ottawa Fun Weekend

Ottawa truly is the best dog town around. The "toxic" is our favorite place to go with the dogs. We had a great walk with TNT dogs: Mom Rio, Auntie Pipe and Brother Smash, plus Maya and Niki. The snow was great, so pretty and the dogs had a blast. Picture: Baxter, Ripley and Smash.

I think that I have become addicted to two new dog sports this weekend! We made the trip out to Ottawa to hang with the TNT gang. Sat night we went to the BR flyball team practice. Ripley got to do some recalls and had some fun. Pam worked with Baxter and had him doing a good swimmers turn on the box within a few minutes! He also had a blast doing recalls down and the line..he seems like a natural. Flyball here we come??!!

Sunday we had a complete blast when we took the TNT boys to try dog sledding! Baxter was a natural and took right off at the start. Tiff said he did stop 1/2 way wondering where all the humans were but once she said it was ok...off he went again! He got to do a second run and seemed to do well. Wow, was it ever cool.
Picture: Front Row: TNT Fly and TNT Piper. Back Row: Baxter (nice tongue) and TNT Rio. Leader of the pack: Grandma Tiff :)

Ripley spent the time pulling a piece of pipe and I am sure he will do great next year when he gets a chance on the sled.

1 comment:

Simba said...

WOW! Looks like fun! I'd love to try skijoring...but alas...I think Simba is just a bit small to pull me! Haha!
